artwork and people

read heYoKa magazine interview w/John LeKay, Fall 2007

la puerta, Taos the art of fetching Sky

a biography of place

ed. antoinette nora claypoole

this project includes:

interviews with..... John Nichols, Robert Mirabal, Barbara Waters, Phaedra Greenwood

poetry by...
Amalio Madueno, Danika Dinsmore, nila northSun, Charles Potts, Jeanette Clough, Sam Hamill

view bookcover image by Anita Rodriguez

"Kiva" photo by Lenny Foster

photo/art by Taosenos: Jaap Vanderplas, Gail Russell, Anita Rodriguez, Lisa Law, Jonathan Warm Day,Tiwa, Lenny Foster

stories by: John Nichols, Frank Waters, John Nizalowski, John Suazo (Tiwa)

artwork from... CA/T Harwood Museum, Univ. of New Mexico

"Jane Hardy"

photos/ portraits from the "100 Taoseno's Project" by Jaap Vanderplas

top to bottom: "Jane Hardy", "John Le Bleu", "John Nichols"

"Mother Mary"
digital art by A C Chavez
from CA/T Harwood @80 Collection

la puerta is braided love for.....
Sandra Lee Marie Treskovich (1951-2004)

click here for book cover image by Anita Rodriguez

soon... MORE images/excerpts
Lisa Law's Janis Joplin
Taos Pueblo elder, photo by Gail Russell
John Nizalowski story
Robert Mirabal interview excerpts
Barbara Waters intro
Frank Waters "lost work"

la Puerta, Taos
is a 220 page bl/white art/literature book
w/ a 16 page color insert.

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